Saturday, June 8, 2019

হাওড়া ব্রিজের কাছে একটি রাসায়নিক গুদামে আগুন ঘটনাস্থলে দমকলের ২০ টি ইঞ্জিন

হাওড়া ব্রিজের কাছে একটি রাসায়নিক গুদামে আগুন ঘটনাস্থলে দমকলের ২০ টি ইঞ্জিন



    হাওড়া ব্রিজের (Howrah Bridge) কাছে একটি গুদামে আগুন। ঘটনাস্থলে  দমকলের ২০ টি ইঞ্জিন। জগন্নাথ ঘাটের (Jagannath Ghat)  কাছে থাকা ওই গুদামটিতে প্রচুর পরিমাণে রাসায়নিক পদার্থ  (Chemical Factory) মজুদ ছিল বলে জানা গিয়েছে।  গুদামটির একদিকে গঙ্গা অন্যদিকে রেল লাইন থাকায় কাজ করতে সমস্যা হচ্ছে দমকল কর্মীদের। বাধ্য হয়ে দমকল কর্মীরা গুদামের  ছাদ থেকে  আগুন  নেভানোর চেষ্টা করছেন।  তবে সেখানেও সমস্যা  পিছু ছাড়ছে না। আগুনের তাপে ছাদের  একটি অংশ ভেঙে যায়। এরই মধ্যে কাজ চালাচ্ছেন দমকল কর্মীরা। স্থানীয় সূত্রে জানা গিয়েছে রাত  আড়াইটে নাগাদ  আগুন লাগে। খবর পাওয়ার  পর কাজ  শুরু করে  দনকল। ধীরে ধীরে বাড়তে থাকে  ইঞ্জিনের সংখ্যা। দিন কয়েক আগে মধ্য কলকাতার বাগরি মার্কেটে (Bagri Market Fire) আগুন লাগে।
    প্রায় তিন দিন ধরে  জ্বলতে থাকে বাজার। কোটি কোটি টাকার সামগ্রী পুড়ে ছাই হয়ে  যায় বলে দাবি ব্যবসায়ীদের। এবার আগুন লাগল জগন্নাথ ঘাটে (Jagannath Ghat Fire) । বাগরি মার্কেটে আগুন আতঙ্কের প্রহর কাটে প্রায় তিন দিন পরে। এক শনিবার শেষরাত থেকে শুরু হওয়া দমকলের লড়াই শেষ হয় সোমবার    দুপুরে। তবে মধ্যে বাজারের প্রায় পুরোটাই পুড়ে যায়। দুর্বল হয়ে যায় বাড়ির বিভিন্ন জায়গা।  প্রথম থেকেই আগুন লাগার কারণ নিয়ে নানা রকমের মত উঠে আসতে থাকে। মার্কেটের মালিক ও সিইও সহ তিনজনের নামে এফআইআর করে রাজ্য প্রশাসন। উত্তর ও মধ্য  কলকাতার একাধিক জায়গায় মাঝে  মধ্যেই আগুন লেগে ভয়াবহ কাণ্ড ঘটে যায়। সম্পত্তিহানী থেকে শুরু করে প্রাণহানীর মতো ঘটনা  ঘটতে থাকে।

     এবার আবার  জগন্নাথ ঘাটে আগুন  লাগল। আগুন  নিভে  যাওয়ার পর কারণ খতিয়ে দেখার কাজ শুরু করবে প্রশাসন। এই ধরনের  বড় আগুনের ক্ষেত্রে দমকলের তরফে  এফআইআর করা হয়। এবারও তাই হবে। আগুন মোকাবিলার মতো ব্যবস্থা ছিল কিনা তা খতিয়ে দেখা হবে।  

    ১৭ কাউন্সিলরের দলবদল, দার্জিলিং পৌরসভার দখল নিল বিজেপি১৭ কাউন্সিলরের দলবদল, দার্জিলিং পৌরসভার দখল নিল বিজেপি

    ১৭ কাউন্সিলরের দলবদল, দার্জিলিং পৌরসভার দখল নিল বিজেপি

    দার্জিলিং পৌরসভার (Darjeeling Municipality) ১৭ জন গোর্খা জনমুক্তিমোর্চার কাউন্সিলর যোগ দিলেন বিজেপিতে। এর ফলে দার্জিলিং পৌরসভার দখল নিল বিজেপি (BJP)। দার্জিলিং পৌরসভার (Darjeeling Municipality) মোট আসন সংখ্যা ৩২, দুটি আসন ফাঁকা রয়েছে। লোকসভা নির্বাচনের ফলপ্রকাশের পর থেকে এই নিয়ে মোট ৫টি পৌরসভার দখল নিল বিজেপি (BJP)। ২০১৪ লোকসভা নির্বাচনে যেখানে বাংলায় ৪২ আসনের মধ্যে মাত্র দুটি আসনে জিতেছিল বিজেপি, এবার তা বেড়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে ১৮। অন্যদিকে, গতবারের লোকসভা নির্বাচনের থেকে এবার ১২টি আসন কমেছে তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের। ২০১৯ লোকসভা নির্বাচনে এ রাজ্যের ২২টি আসনে জোড়াফুল ফুটেছে। এর আগে ভাটপাড়া, কাঁচরাপাড়া, হালিশহর, এবং নৈহাটি পৌরসভার দখল নিয়েছে বিজেপি। লোকসভা নির্বাচনে ব্যারাকপুর লোকসভা কেন্দ্রের তৃণমূল প্রার্থী দিনেশ ত্রিবেদীকে হারিয়ে পদ্মফুল ফুটিয়েছেন বিজেপি (BJP) প্রার্থী অর্জুন সিং।
    লোকসভা নির্বাচনের আগে পৌরসভার চেয়ারম্যান ছিলেন ভাটপাড়ার বিধায়ক অর্জুন সিং। এপ্রিলে বিজেপিতে যোগদান করেন তিনি। সেই সময়, পদ থেকে সরানো হয় অর্জুন সিংকে। তবে তাঁর জয়ের পর, বিজেপিতে যোগদান করেন তৃণমূল প্রার্থী এবং তাঁকে ফের ব্যারাকপুর পৌরসভার চেয়ারম্যান নির্বাচিত করা হয়।
    ভাটপাড়া পৌরসভায় ৩৪ জন কাউন্সিলরের মধ্যে ২৬টি ভোট পায় বিজেপি (BJP) । ফলে বোর্ডের ক্ষমতা যায় তাঁদের হাতে। আগামী দিনে শহরে বড় বিক্ষোভ সমাবেশ করা হবে বলে জানান বিজেপি নেতা মুকুল রায়।
    গত মাসে, তৃণমূল নেতাদের অনেকেই বিজেপিতে যোগদান করেন। তালিকায় রয়েছেন তিন বিধায়ক, মুকুল পুত্র শুভ্রাংশু রায়, তুষারকান্তি ভট্টাচার্য এবং সিপিআইএমের দেবেন্দ্রনাথ রায়। এছাড়াও  ১৬ জন তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস কাউন্সিলর বিজেপিতে (BJP) যোগদান করেন। যা তৃণমূলস্তরে সংগঠনের পক্ষে খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
    তাঁদের ভয় দেখিয়ে বিজেপিতে যোগদান করানো হয়েছে বলে অভিযোগ করেছে তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস।
    বিভিন্ন দল থেকে সাত দফায় অন্যান্য দলের নেতাদের বিজেপিতে (BJP) যোগদান করানো হবে মন্তব্য করেছেন বিজেপি নেতা তথা রাজ্যের দায়িত্বপ্রাপ্ত কৈলাশ বিজয়বর্গীয়। তিনি বলেন, “পশ্চিমবঙ্গে সাত দফায় ভোটগ্রহণের মতোই, বিজেপিতে (BJP) যোগদানও হবে সাত দফায়। আজ ছিল প্রথম দফা”।

    Bharat Box Office Collection Day 3: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif's Film Ready For 'Another Benchmark'

    Bharat Box Office Collection Day 3: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif's Film Ready For 'Another Benchmark'



      The magic of Salman Khan was witnessed yet again with his Eid offering Bharat. The Ali Abbas Zafar-directed film had a blockbuster opening and made just a shade under Rs. 100 crore in three days, reported trade analyst Taran Adarsh. While the holiday release on Eid played a key role in providing a massive boost to Bharat's opening collections, the numbers dipped on the following days but were still impressive enough to push to the total to Rs. 95 crore. As is trend, Bharat is expected to storm the box office yet again over the weekend. "Bharatmaintains a grip on Day 3 [Fri]... Mass circuits remain strong, while some circuits faced normal decline after Eid festivities... Should witness an upturn on Day 4 [Sat] and 5 [Sun]... Wed 42.30 cr, Thu 31 cr, Fri 22.20 cr. Total: Rs. 95.50 cr. India biz," tweeted Taran Adarsh.

      In his box office report-card for Bharat, the trade analyst also assured that Salman Khan's film will sure shot sign up for the Rs. 100 crore-plus club once Saturday comes to an end and this will mark "another benchmark" for the superstar. With its Rs. 100 crore, Bharat will be Salman's 14th Rs. 100 crore film: "As #Bharat cruises past Rs. 100 cr mark today [Day 4], Salman Khan sets another benchmark: Highest number of films in Rs. 100 cr+ Club... The tally rises to 14 with Bharat."
      Bharat Box Office Collection Day 3: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif's Film Ready For 'Another Benchmark'
      Bharat Box Office: Salman, Katrina in a still (courtesy taranadarsh)

      NEW DELHI: 


        The magic of Salman Khan was witnessed yet again with his Eid offering Bharat. The Ali Abbas Zafar-directed film had a blockbuster opening and made just a shade under Rs. 100 crore in three days, reported trade analyst Taran Adarsh. While the holiday release on Eid played a key role in providing a massive boost to Bharat's opening collections, the numbers dipped on the following days but were still impressive enough to push to the total to Rs. 95 crore. As is trend, Bharat is expected to storm the box office yet again over the weekend. "Bharatmaintains a grip on Day 3 [Fri]... Mass circuits remain strong, while some circuits faced normal decline after Eid festivities... Should witness an upturn on Day 4 [Sat] and 5 [Sun]... Wed 42.30 cr, Thu 31 cr, Fri 22.20 cr. Total: Rs. 95.50 cr. India biz," tweeted Taran Adarsh.
        Read his tweet here:
        In his box office report-card for Bharat, the trade analyst also assured that Salman Khan's film will sure shot sign up for the Rs. 100 crore-plus club once Saturday comes to an end and this will mark "another benchmark" for the superstar. With its Rs. 100 crore, Bharat will be Salman's 14th Rs. 100 crore film: "As #Bharat cruises past Rs. 100 cr mark today [Day 4], Salman Khan sets another benchmark: Highest number of films in Rs. 100 cr+ Club... The tally rises to 14 with Bharat."
        Bharat achieved more than one feat for Salman Khan on its opening day - Rs 42 crore turned out to be the superstar's biggest Eid opening ever and also his highest opening collection ever, prompting Salman to issue a tweet of thanks for fans:

        BCCI backs Dhoni's 'insignia gloves' after ICC's request to removeVBCCI backs Dhoni's 'insignia gloves' after ICC's request to remove

        VAs soon as India kicked off their World Cup campaign, MS Dhoni's wicket-keeping gloves, sporting the Army's dagger insignia, seems to have triggered quite a storm. Ever since it got noticed during the match in Southampton against South Africa on Wednesday (June 5), the ICC too got involved, issuing a directive to the BCCI to restrain Dhoni from wearing these gloves.
        The ICC has cited regulation D.1 from the ICC's rulebook that deals with clothing regulation to drive home their point, which reads, - "no Logo shall be permitted to be displayed on Cricket Clothing or Cricket Equipment, other than a National Logo, a Commercial Logo, an Event Logo, a Manufacturer's Logo, a Player's Bat Logo, a Charity Logo or a Non-Commercial Logo as provided in these Regulations. In addition, where any Match official becomes aware of any clothing or equipment that does not comply with these Regulations, he shall be authorised to prevent the offending person from taking the field of play (or to order them from the field of play, if appropriate) until the non-compliant clothing or equipment is removed or appropriately covered up."
        The BCCI, however, insists that the insignia, also called the 'Balidaan badge' or a badge of sacrifice, has "none of those connotations" listed by the ICC. Vinod Rai, the CoA chief told PTI that Dhoni would continue wearing the dagger insignia on his gloves as it is not a military symbol.
        "The BCCI had already sent a formal request to the ICC for clearance. As per ICC regulations, players can't sport any commercial, religious or military logo. There was nothing commercial or religious in this regard as we all know. And it is not the paramilitary regimental dagger that is embossed in his gloves. So Dhoni is not in breach of ICC regulations," Rai told PTI.
        Despite the ICC directive, which Rai insists is "a request to get it removed and not an instruction," Dhoni might have to seek permission from the ICC as stated by rule L, "In order for any Logo or Personal Message to be ICC Approved for use in any match or series of matches to which these Regulations apply, the party seeking approval must apply to ICC for the grant of such approval and such approval must have been granted in advance of the commencement of the match or series in question."
        Rahul Johri, the BCCI CEO might have to do a bit of firefighting, as he arrives ahead of India's second match against Australia at The Oval on Sunday (June 9), with an added responsibility now of speaking with the ICC officials to clear the air on this issue.


        ICC rejects BCCI's appeal to allow Dhoni's insignia gloves

        The ICC confirmed that the logo displayed on Dhoni's wicketkeeping gloves is an infringement of the laws of the game

        The International Cricket Council has vetoed BCCI's persistent attempts to allow MS Dhoni to sport the "insignia" gloves in the ongoing ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 in England and Wales.
        The ICC confirmed that the logo displayed on Dhoni's wicketkeeping gloves in India's first World Cup match against South Africa is an infringement of the laws of the game.
        The ICC's rules and regulations prohibit individual messages and logos on sporting gear and attire during any ICC event. Furthermore, it is also an infringement of the regulations regarding the content allowed to be displayed specifically on wicketkeeping gloves.
        "The ICC has responded to the BCCI to confirm the logo displayed by MS Dhoni in the previous match is not permitted to be worn on his wicket-keeping gloves at the ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2019," the cricket governing body said in a statement on Friday (June 7).
        "The regulations for ICC events do not permit any individual message or logo to be displayed on any items of clothing or equipment. In addition to this, the logo also breaches the regulations in relation to what is permitted on wicketkeeper gloves."
        MS Dhoni's set of wicket-keeping gloves in the World Cup game against South Africa in Southampton, sporting the Army's dagger insignia, seem to have triggered quite a storm after it was spotted on camera. The ICC was swiftly involved, issuing a directive to the BCCI to ban Dhoni from wearing the gloves
        The ICC has cited regulation D.1 from the ICC's rulebook that deals with clothing regulation to drive home their point.
        Regulation D.1:
        "No Logo shall be permitted to be displayed on Cricket Clothing or Cricket Equipment, other than a National Logo, a Commercial Logo, an Event Logo, a Manufacturer's Logo, a Player's Bat Logo, a Charity Logo or a Non-Commercial Logo as provided in these regulations."
        The regulation further goes on to say, "In addition, where any Match official becomes aware of any clothing or equipment that does not comply with these Regulations, he shall be authorised to prevent the offending person from taking the field of play (or to order them from the field of play, if appropriate) until the non-compliant clothing or equipment is removed or appropriately covered up."
        The BCCI, however, insisted that the insignia, also called the 'Balidaan badge' or a badge of sacrifice, had "none of those connotations" listed by the ICC. Vinod Rai, the CoA chief told PTI that Dhoni would continue wearing the dagger insignia on his gloves as it is not a military symbol. Despite the ICC directive, which Rai insists is "a request to get it removed and not an instruction".
        However, Dhoni would still have been required to seek permission from the ICC as stated by rule L.
        Rule L:
        "In order for any Logo or Personal Message to be ICC-approved for use in any match or series of matches to which these Regulations apply, the party seeking approval must apply to ICC for the grant of such approval and such approval must have been granted in advance of the commencement of the match or series in question."Rule L:
        "In order for any Logo or Personal Message to be ICC-approved for use in any match or series of matches to which these Regulations apply, the party seeking approval must apply to ICC for the grant of such approval and such approval must have been granted in advance of the commencement of the match or series in question."Rule L:
        "In order for any Logo or Personal Message to be ICC-approved for use in any match or series of matches to which these Regulations apply, the party seeking approval must apply to ICC for the grant of such approval and such approval must have been granted in advance of the commencement of the match or series in question."

        However, the latest ruling by the ICC has put an end to the issue, putting a direct embargo on Dhoni wearing the gloves with the Dagger Insignia badge, disallowing India's ex-captain from sporting the logo in question on his wicketkeeping gloves in the upcoming World Cup encounters.
        India are set to take on Australia at the Kennington Oval in London on Sunday (June 9) - their first face-off in a World Cup league match since the 2003 edition.However, the latest ruling by the ICC has put an end to the issue, putting a direct embargo on Dhoni wearing the gloves with the Dagger Insignia badge, disallowing India's ex-captain from sporting the logo in question on his wicketkeeping gloves in the upcoming World Cup encounters.
        India are set to take on Australia at the Kennington Oval in London on Sunday (June 9) - their first face-off in a World Cup league match since the 2003 edition.V 


        Gill, Gaikwad hundreds give India 

        Shubman Gill and Ruturaj Gaikwad struck centuries to help India A to a 10-wicket win © Getty

        Hundreds from Shubman Gill and Ruturaj Gaikwad helped India A coast to a 10-wicket win over Sri Lanka A in the second unofficial ODI at the KSCA Stadium in Belagavi on Saturday (June 8). Courtesy this victory, India A now have a 2-0 lead in the five-match series.
        Opting to bowl, India A restricted Sri Lanka A to 242 for 7 in 50 overs. Using the early help available in the pitch, pacers Ishan Porel, Tushar Deshpande and Shivam Dube had Sri Lanka reeling at 49 for 5, and then 81 for 6 after Shreyas Gopal's strike. But Sri Lanka managed to recover thanks to Shehan Jayasuriya and Ishan Jayaratne, who combined for a seventh-wicket stand of 142 runs.
        Jayasuriya scored 101 off 139 before falling to Deepak Hooda in the 49th over. Jayaratne, though remained unbeaten, ending up with 79 off 73 balls.
        But Sri Lanka's early stutter meant that India A still had a manageable total to chase. Thanks to openers Gaikwad and Gill, India A chased down the 243-run target in only 33.3 overs.
        Gaikwad was unbeaten on a 94-ball 125, following up his 187 not out in the first game with another good performance whereas Gill played a more sedate knock, finishing with 109 off 96 before retiring hurt from cramps.
        Brief scoresSri Lanka A 242/7 in 50 overs (Shehan Jayasuriya 101, Ishan Jayaratne 79*; Shivam Dube 2-47, Tushar Deshpande 2-51) lost to India A 243/0 in 33.3 overs (Ruturaj Gaikwad 125*, Shubman Gill 109) by 10 wickets.Hundreds from Shubman Gill and Ruturaj Gaikwad helped India A coast to a 10-wicket win over Sri Lanka A in the second unofficial ODI at the KSCA Stadium in Belagavi on Saturday (June 8). Courtesy this victory, India A now have a 2-0 lead in the five-match series.
        Opting to bowl, India A restricted Sri Lanka A to 242 for 7 in 50 overs. Using the early help available in the pitch, pacers Ishan Porel, Tushar Deshpande and Shivam Dube had Sri Lanka reeling at 49 for 5, and then 81 for 6 after Shreyas Gopal's strike. But Sri Lanka managed to recover thanks to Shehan Jayasuriya and Ishan Jayaratne, who combined for a seventh-wicket stand of 142 runs.
        Jayasuriya scored 101 off 139 before falling to Deepak Hooda in the 49th over. Jayaratne, though remained unbeaten, ending up with 79 off 73 balls.
        But Sri Lanka's early stutter meant that India A still had a manageable total to chase. Thanks to openers Gaikwad and Gill, India A chased down the 243-run target in only 33.3 overs.
        Gaikwad was unbeaten on a 94-ball 125, following up his 187 not out in the first game with another good performance whereas Gill played a more sedate knock, finishing with 109 off 96 before retiring hurt from cramps.
        Brief scoresSri Lanka A 242/7 in 50 overs (Shehan Jayasuriya 101, Ishan Jayaratne 79*; Shivam Dube 2-47, Tushar Deshpande 2-51) lost to India A 243/0 in 33.3 overs (Ruturaj Gaikwad 125*, Shubman Gill 109) by 10 wickets.V

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        Chinmusic first on World Cup 2019's mixtape

        "I've seen more short balls in a week than I've ever seen in past World Cups," gushes Allan Donald, former South Africa pacer and Kent's current assistant coach. You can sense the excitement in his voice over the phone. And there's a good reason for it.
        After all, this was supposed to be the World Cup where 350 was to be the new benchmark. All the evidence had pointed towards that. However, the top eight wicket-takers all being fast bowlers ten games into the tournament tells you a different story. Only four hundreds have been scored so far and the strike-rates have been rendered unimportant with the occasional exception of England.
        The lack of swing in the white Kookaburra is well-known now. But Trent Boult suggested that this particular batch was shinier and swingier, if you'd like that. But it seems like that message hasn't caught on amongst the rest of the fast bowling group, who are singing contrasting tunes on the pitch, and to great effect.
        West Indies have two in the top wicket-takers list so far - Oshane Thomas and Andre Russell. In many ways, they could be credited with the revival of something not seen for a long time in ODI cricket. Raw and visceral fast bowling. The short-ball strategy got Pakistan bundled out for 105, sending shockwaves around the world and also providing a pattern that could be replicated, if you have the right resources.
        And all of that has made for some pretty exciting cricket already, despite the big scores not coming as predicted. For Allan Donald, all this has been "fabulous to watch." "The approach has been fantastic, I love the approach. I think it has been spot-on."
        Primary to implementing such a plan is obviously pace, but it helps if you have an added dimension of innocuous angle such as Bumrah or Starc. You could have added Kagiso Rabada to this list as well, if things had gone his way against India where he could have had Rohit Sharma thrice, all to back of length balls only to see it either falling between fielders or their fingers.
        According to CricViz, the total percentage of overs bowled by pacers in the in-between length and shorter (421.2 in total) far overshadows the ones fuller (107.2). This has been the most productive one for pacers, yielding 77 of the wickets to fall, which is more than double the wickets yielded by fuller lengths.
        Leading the way on that front, unsurprisingly, are West Indies who have bowled 25.6% of all their pace bowling as bouncers. It is a high-risk strategy, clearly as the run-rate off bouncers (8.14) suggests but when as many as 28 wickets fall to that, you'd think that the rewards are justified. "The big emphasis now is pace and hunt wickets. That frees bowlers up to just relax and bowl quick," feels Donald.
        Even India, in their only game so far, despite having someone like Bhuvneshwar Kumar in their ranks bowled 86.2% of their balls as in-between or shorter. There's no doubt that the man leading the way there was Jasprit Bumrah. It was something that Kohli alluded to after the game, calling Bumrah good enough to be nicking batsmen off from 'Test match lengths' as he called it.
        Donald agrees with Kohli. "I think it's almost like Test match mentality where a lot of the times you see two slips, three slips. Even at times a guy back on the hook, we saw a short leg the other day.
        "I just think that everyone has gone in with a fearless attitude... and I've said this years ago, the attitude towards fast bowling has got to change," says Donald.
        What is that attitude? Allow Donald to explain.
        "It's an attitude [going] into a hard length, you've got to have a Test-match mentality. What do I do during a Test match? I just absolutely obliterate back of a length. Really, really hard!"
        But these are still early stages in the tournament. Most of the pitches are fresh and offer enough to make this strategy work. But Donald sees this changing over the course of the tournament.
        "I don't think so," he says when asked if he sees the short-pitched trend continuing. "I think the spinners will come into it big time. They're using two strips per venue and I think you'll see that at the moment we're going through a couple of weeks where it is still quite chilly. I think the approach won't change, don't get me wrong, the approach won't change. But, during the summer, you'll see the ball reversing more, the squares will start out to wear more," he explains.
        "A statement is being made and it's fearless cricket with the ball," adds Donald.
        Over to the batsmen now.

        সবকিছু নিয়েই রাজনীতি করব, দম থাকলে আটকান', মুখ্যমন্ত্রীকে সরাসরি চ্যালেঞ্জ দিলীপ ঘোষের

        সবকিছু নিয়েই রাজনীতি করব, দম থাকলে আটকান', মুখ্যমন্ত্রীকে সরাসরি চ্যালেঞ্জ দিলীপ ঘোষের পুরুলিয়ায় এক দলীয় কর্মসূচিতে তিনি বলেন, “আমরা হরি...